For the first in my life, I’ve been utterly useless. Not knowing what to expect and what to do. Previously, my entire career at a call center that I have worked on for the past 4 years of my freaking life, I have been the most dominant and control freak-- ever. This I tell whole-heartedly, I mean, all the details and facts, readily adjusted to my comfort. But when a tragic sort came, in a snap it readily hit me, all is over and that is it.
Maybe its just me and the syndrome but I’ve been browsing my life and all have really been a blessing. Seems to good to be true but it is. I was able to commend and draft every individual to my presence, seemingly not all can do that. Yet am just not sure but haplessly there comes a phase in your life that you tend to over-react with. Right now my mind has great surges of information that I wanna write to, but fact is I may not have the time. Timing is one, but splurge? Highly thinkable.
Gee! It really is freaking me not to have a some career stability at my age. A friend of mine recently told me, its good for me to be able to appreciate the life that I’ve had compared to the uneasiness and burden that I have right now. Clearly you won’t value a precious gem while you still have it. People tends to ask more and am not eliminating myself from the bunch!
Odd though, am marathoning few seasons/chapter of The Desperate Housewives. Am actually desperate, come to think of it, I mean all of it, by love is one, been trying to contemplate over it a few years back already and now, a career, most of the people in the metro is so anxious to get to that I have just wasted. What a fool huh? I guess that really goes to show how bludgered my sense are. 
Man I do need to sort my priorities. A heck of it has been stashed away to the bin if you’ll ask me! Why? A career completely lost, and if its not the worst, do add the filth that I make with all those years with the company. Money does buy all the craziness this world can offer but you’d still feel empty deep within. Most pageants wore the title world peace but I guess, we really need tons of it.
Am not trying to convince each one to share my thoughts though, expressing it would be most grateful, thank you! But how? With the turmoil and everything that we face? I doubt if that would still be achieved.