Going through the ways of it: the falling, the cuddling and the succor, then the break up, and the wallows and finally the awakening and finally the move on. Made us initiate a wall, imaginary as it is yet strong enough to thunder us by virtue. Funny thus far true, when we plunge back and plummet to love, no fight necessary, we just let our guard down, no hush, no blush and in a snap, it’s there, you’re just feeling it and you’re afloat on a pulchritude slate.
Reality check, ding ding! too good to be factual right? Am not being cynical or what, am just grabbing the facade of such. Do you think it’s facile? I doubt that! One, it needs work, both sides should, if not, sad to contend but it falters every step of the way, second, it needs commitment, because after all the love, consumed, pacified and fostered all is left is devotion and allegiance, and in this lifetime its the most manipulated and exerted heed that you can convulse. In as much fray as it is to you, it also is an onus to your loved one.
Falling in love is solitary but staying in love is another contemplation.