I have searched far and wide, lo and behold but to my might it was just an endless search and hopeless gestate. I stopped. Thinking it was just a waste of time.
Who would have thought, it was still unrecluse. My Romeo came. Not what you have in mind though. He was there, in the flesh. With lips so subtle and skin so palatal, I could die right there and then. I thought I was dreaming, but then he kissed me, I was drowned with my own thoughts. Lord be it true or I may cause havoc for this man to be true.
Ding, ding, ding! THINK, THINK THINK. My heart was over my head again, not thinking straight, just focusing what was present and what was elusive. It was reachable but for how long, it lingered but just for a split second. I held tight but it wasn’t real. I tried grasping but it vanished to thin air.
Here’s what happened, literally; it was not a Snow-White-kinda-fairytale of course but won’t you let me be? This is the first, you know, a gay can only dream. Of course taken into consideration what really transpired yet let me do the talking…. a … a … not a word please….. oops! No buts…. let me finish……. hush!…. so settle okay?
There I was, a single gal, relieving the stress of the whole week there was, mind you, it was far more than that, if I could add but that would be a whole lot of a different story. So focus, here it comes. Laughter, fun, hysterics, Palawan 2 could be a home and a destination in one, it will ease your pain and let go of your sufferings even for one night only. The show went with much witticism. Loved it actually. As every good thing comes to and end, Voila! The disco went cognizant. Alive as my nerves are, this guy cruised me out and hunter as I am, checked him out as well. Cute, dark and mysterious, not your usual assemblage and me a sucker for dark and Orphic visage, went sparkly and jittery. At first it was my inner noesis that controlled every emotion bottled but my heart said let go, go for it, try and know him. So I exclaimed “nice tattoo” he was dressing this Angelina Jolie like prayer like encryption that hooked my eyes for a while.
We talked or so I thought or maybe the spirit of the drink inhabited me already. Naturally am a silent hag but when things get filled up my mouth does the thinking plus the talking and while we are it, I flirted, if you know what I mean. I know. I can be irresistible sometimes. Ha! You be the perfect creature, ego right? Hahahaha .
So there it goes, scuttlebutt here, flirt there again peach here, we were like all over the place. And as Cinderella’s clock ticked 4, he needs to go. I understood. My queer world already knew what to do. You can’t be caught dead by morning wearing a blue Escada and matching yellow Dela Renta right? So he flew and by that we exchanged digits and all. Me? Single and dateless as I am, went home. Alone! What? You thought I’d be fucking my brains out? Na-ah! I am that easy to get but I play it hard to be in bed, if you know what I mean. I am but a horny queer but am an advocate of safe sex so it’s still a compliment when I go home alone, happy and satisfied with all the partying and flirting!
And then snoring followed…….. I am but wasted and all that, so dahlin’ please let me sopor, okay?