

I should be happy yet am not.
It’s been two days since I lost my credentials due to a system glitch. Never have I thought that this would happen, peculiar as it may seem, this is the most radical thing that happened, ever! Tolerable, yeah but arguably, am a bit frustrated and getting tired.
I’m the type of person who is goal-and-results-driven. My mood swings from one ballpoint to the other in no particular reason when I don’t get what I want. Being ballistic is what am good at. Crazy, I know but it’s me, deal with it!
Yeah, yeah, it’s been escalated and all that but all I can do is very much wait till it’s been fixed and had been dealt with. My whole existence seemed lost and flushed to the drain at the same time. Don’t laugh and just be in my shoes, let’s see who would still be calm after all that has happened!
It’s not a bigger deal I know, yet I am after my stats, being here, right now, gives me chills and thrills, the support is as easy as breathing fresh air like egyptian cotton with 25 counts but beware of the metrics which is seemingly compared to the blows and roars of a dragon. Whew!
Others said be thankful that you’re out of the queue and you’re not taking in the load. What the effin’ status is that? BLoating? a BUM and at the same time FLOATING? I won’t afflict myself to that. I so very love my base and being on top of it is what am good at, so why now? Hmmm. Maybe just maybe things happen for a very good reason, a reason so vague I can’t even start thinking.
Pour over some thoughts, will you?

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