Eight years have gone, but the remnants of that tragic day still lives on. The fear and anguish rolled into one.Admonishing that not all thrusts are forever and stable. Remarkably even though we are not citizens, the tremor was there as suffrage may not only be with the American people but others around the globe too. This was a global disaster about to burst and thankful it was peacefully detonated.
Personally, am not involved and only I can wish that it never would occur to my native land but being one with the world, thinking that any moment such attacks are feasible then you would really worry. The aftermath of the incident was never really wiped out. It’s still there, specially on the hearts of everyone that was affected and life’s events were changed due to the said attack.
In this we pray, that hopefully that it would be the first and the last and no more to come.
We should celebrate life and not bring turmoil and disparity to each and everyone. Wars have been waged for centuries already, men killed, battle fought, some lost it and some takes over but we have grown from what we were before. Living in peace may take all of our lifetime yet all of which are worth it. That we can’t assume for only time can tell but we can hope for it and as long as there is hope in our hearts, there would still be more to come.
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