For me, the things in life are just temporary. It comes and goes even without you noticing it. It just happens. In my world(what? I have my own world, you do your own!) Looks can be very deceiving and is one of the judging factors of hooking up, may it be a booty call or lifelong partnership, one might think of false pretences that it conjures, not that I’m against it but should it be the basis of it all? Come to think of it, what will others do? I mean the mere incapacitated individuals, okay fine! Let’s be true and drop euphemisms. The UGLY ones.
Not that am separating us queers from straights but as I have delved into realization and with just straightforward observation, it is a must to be beautiful, right? For us gays, it’s a crime to be ugly. Oh no! Please stop me!(so now am decrementing and am the bad gay guy?) That’s what you think. I may even be the simpler bitch version compared to my friends who makes everything beautiful sacred and if you’re out of the league then better be off, they skin people alive. Their calendar year comprises mostly of partying, tête-à-têtes, by the way it includes booze and poppers. But I mean it’s their scene. So they go with the flow. It’s like a pandemic about to surge if you’re that ugly. Mmm. Yeah, That’s about it. But aren’t we supposed to love our own? Just like racism, since we are on the same wavelength, why not spread love not animosity, right? It’s not everyday that we get to materialize love in such peculiar way. Yet as we grow and mature, case is we part and never get to it. Sad and condescending apparently it’s the zenith.
Personally, I know am guilty and am sorry yet am not, coz it’s not my fault. Am born vain and am proud to say that I can maintain it. I may not have a killer look but am not a deceiver and what you see is what you get. Not like some people I know who will run great lengths just to antagonize and in return karma charms back to them. Well that’s life and if it ain’t broken why fix it, right? Let it be. I’m an avid voyeur (yeah, right!) But am not a stalker, I have my own set of problems already and adding insult to injury is not one of the things I love doing to myself. My past time is browsing social networking sites and vanity pages (but not a frequent flyer! It’s different! Very different! ) well you can exhume them one by one since its free and available for viewing and one thing in common will get your attention: modifications and alterations just like those hand me down garments I used to manipulate and convert to stylish clothing I donned before. Is it common nowadays? I mean technology has it. But shall we follow next? Upgrade after upgrade, versions after versions and then what’s next? Well tomorrow is a mystery to be foretold, right?
Amazing how the digital world doubled the parody of the iron masks. Modifying the truth has never been this rampant and obvious. Well thanks to Photoshop and Publisher or rather Bill Gates for that. I mean all of us have flaws; it is how you project your flaws that make you beautiful. Mama Tyra did say that, coz I want to be on top (not that it matter)! But altering them? I think its different viewpoint all in all. Hiding is okay but has its limitations but a package so untrue is deceitful and mean, I maybe of yesterday but am not of the past. I know that change is inevitable but not to the extreme. You can do it on a TV show to gain ratings and points but not in real life. You can be happy as you are, without imposing any personality at all, for one, I am, and others I know too. A facade will always be a facade any way you treat and the more you fund it, the more you become a pseudo. It won’t change the fact. Time will come that it will hunt you down.
Well I mean yeah! Who doesn’t? I’ll be a hypocrite if I say no. One, it’s a given, face value, would you rather wake up early morning with a rotten egg in front of you or a breathe of fresh air minty as it is, seeing him there, laying by your side, so dreamy, so cuddly and soft but hard on the inside(stress on the HARD)? Wonderfully scenic, right? Or better yet deliciously scenic, yum! You choose or need I say more? Yet there are intricacies and fallouts on that wishbone, some will agree and some won’t that many of them are just airheads, face and all that but does not make sense at all, even having a hard time stepping up or carrying a conversation, for short male bimbos. Excuse my French but it’s true. I know some, pun unintended. God is so fair. I really love him. Not that am cursing ugly people out it’s just that in anyway you put it. Nothing would simplify that. In my case that is!
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