People really judge you of what they see of you. 
Odd I guess, but how can you blame a centuries old of knowing a person by the way you look, smell and taste? Peculiar yet that’s how it’s characterized and dealt with. Fascinating how an attitude and character multitudes how you perceive a person, nowadays folks doesn’t even try to know you before they utter an interpretation of you, they simply give you a look, nod even, then that’s that and they’ll give you a summary of what they know of you based on what illusion they see of you! Huh! Dumb you’ll say who’ll be doing that? Many is at pleasure doing those, God, how constrict-minded people think! Just imagine, but that goes and flows of what society has deemed the way it should have been!
In a world I strut in, the first thing they’ll notice of you, is how damn you look, either disturbing or plane-Jane if both doesn’t please them, query always pops-in. It has always been the game, dress to please as they say, it even spells out who you are at the moment you exude grace and poise but have they really dug the personality of what makes a person’s totality?
I guess, NEVER!
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