What? This ain't taboo no more! Straight or not! Everybody does it! And for the love of Backlum Chaam and Bastet, it's pleasure were talking here, not religion and polictics! And as far as I know, they don't mix well!
How to do it versus the normal oral care we do daily.
Plainly BJ defined is oral sex performed upon the penis. Simple and easy but the tricks of the trade has already been marginalized and developed to induce male orgasm and used as foreplay as well. Man does not live by bread alone, believe me, there are some stroking too every once in a while! That's what I heard!
The real deal is how to do it?
I saw that site one time my naughty mind gets so Dora on me! Insightful? Yes! Not to mention funny and outrageous but came to realize that it does wonders. From the do's and the dont's to tips and suggestions. Doesn't kill to know right? At least you were forwarned and the next time you get in between those thighs, Oops. Excuse my French! Sorry, in between situations I mean, you know what to do and what to expect.
Dr. Margarita Holmes @ www.margaritaholmes.com can offer a lot of information about the TOPIC, nowadays I really don't care if this is a matter of taboo or a social ridicule or a laughing stock but I think its time to educate. That's the building block from ignorance. Learn!
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