

I have never thought "YOU" would be such a STRONG word against any living thing. Politically soft if you'll ask me but if used on a template without any further basis, ain't legal for that matter. On what conclusion was it decided from? Personal? I doubt that!

I am bursting with anger right now! In flames! I know its petty but to rephrase a template would be a much proper ordeal rather than repeating it over and over again. DOESN'T MAKE SENSE at all!

We ain't given a head just for it to sit right over your shoulders, it was rightfully placed there for your usage and demeanor! I want to shout but it ain't gonna resolve conflicts, believe me it won't! But am not gonna sit there and relax. This will serve as a clangor to my defiance and voice to air what suffocates me!


the thoughts of 3AM

now more than ever, I am fearing for my life.... here I thought that after COVID made its mark, I will be fine and will certainly go back to...