
HALO - reminded me of falling in love, over and over again.

Going through the ways of it: the falling, the cuddling and the succor, then the break up, and the wallows and finally the awakening and finally the move on. Made us initiate a wall, imaginary as it is yet strong enough to thunder us by virtue. Funny thus far true, when we plunge back and plummet to love, no fight necessary, we just let our guard down, no hush, no blush and in a snap, it’s there, you’re just feeling it and you’re afloat on a pulchritude slate.

Reality check, ding ding! too good to be factual right? Am not being cynical or what, am just grabbing the facade of such. Do you think it’s facile? I doubt that! One, it needs work, both sides should, if not, sad to contend but it falters every step of the way, second, it needs commitment, because after all the love, consumed, pacified and fostered all is left is devotion and allegiance, and in this lifetime its the most manipulated and exerted heed that you can convulse. In as much fray as it is to you, it also is an onus to your loved one.

Falling in love is solitary but staying in love is another contemplation.


he’s not eyeful but he’s modicum,
a clinch to my future as foretold.
living proof that looks can be greatly deceiving,
yet eyes as piercing as his, defies all the forlorn and objection.
I’ve been bruised and gashed even scoured,
drifting away was the only modus vivendi.
yet as it whirled, romance came by and bide
being swept away was just on the spur of the moment and never a lifetime.
utter oaths ne’er to trust and inflict emotions again,
shielded to one side hasping my heart away.
banished and secured from the torments of precipitations,
evading perforation and woebegone judgment.
but then prince charming came along, chivvying in his prodigious ways.
Uncanny, you’ll ask? I think not!
He was ignored in fact!
learning the abc’s quite simple but contemplating on them takes its toll
I have doubts and qualms and my heart is not yet settled yielding ponder
all I have is myself to ask, am I risking this one happily ever after?
or just another pass-through with the walk of life,
and maybe just a beguilement and soon-to-be an experience worth contemplating and savoring its strife.
My life in a nutshell is complicated on its own and intricacy is a sanity driver.
I tossed and turned just to mangle the thought,
but despair befell on such anguish.
wish I may, wish I might,
push them away and out of my sight.
beauty of life emanates when you least expects them,
life is too short to waste them in haste.
the crux on love is to be ardored,
and as my existence tramples and people dappled life into me,
happy as I am to have espied a love nurturing as my mizky.

SunALertz vs Globe FB

Pisti man gud!

That's all I can say! What in the world are they doing out there! Posts get concatenated. Updates gets replaced by God knows what type of dialect this is: @#$%^&!@$%. Have they integrated a new mode of conversation in cyberspace already? Or is that a new programming language in the market today. They lag 2 to 3 hours before the actual status gets posted, you've been mugged, molested and all that jazz and still you're happy status shows up. WTF! Talk about real-time!

For several months now I have been enjoying the benefits of texting my updates to FaceBook and Twitter thru the enormous efforts of our technology.

First I tested the 2555 gateway of SunAlertz, it blew me away! Posts are okay, seemingly and smoothly. You'll get a response once the posts gets published online and unto your account. Nice use of technology, I could attest. After integrating the FaceBook account I also enticed my Twitter account to join the bandwagon and viola! I was able to post all what's inside my thought-bubble. Streaming was on a daily basis even hour per hour. You can say it was a whole lot of traffic and transmission over the Internet superhighway!

Then my phone got jeopardized. So I need to stop. But my thought-thoscope ain't gonna be silenced that long. 

So I quipped what they broadcast as good service breaching all leading providers in the area. Ta-da! 2933 - Here comes Globe. I am quite happy with how they service my phone line so I assumed they would also be great in terms of online updates. But my luck and their audacious name gets tarnished, am not that sure if this is due to the fact that they have a lot of customers they service that this mishap is in state. Horrible as in terribly horrible! I can scream from the top of my voice how busted theyare in this aspect.

May I call the attention of the Globe people who administers and conglomerates the 2933 service. A poor, poor, devastating offer that you have in here. More testing needed. Each buck that is spent texting that gateway is a buck flushed down the drain.Please fix that! 

the thoughts of 3AM

now more than ever, I am fearing for my life.... here I thought that after COVID made its mark, I will be fine and will certainly go back to...