
I am beautiful - are you?

I am beautiful no matter what they say 
Words can't bring me down 
I am beautiful in every single way 
Yes, words can't bring me down 
So don't you bring me down today 

May you be fat or thin, scribbled or smooth, fair or copper-skinned, tall or small. It doesn't matter. The world will still revolve around the sun 365 days and 12 months in a year. GOD loved you for who you are and will always be. Love that body. Love that face. Love that physique. It's a gift. 

Some are gifted but they tone it, spend money over it and even cry. Discipline. That's the key. Achieving a certain goal needs trials, difficulties and agitation for you to savor the bitter-sweet triumph. It may be as hell as it is but the repercussion is beyond imagination.

Nobody said things are gonna be easy. Aguilera is right, words will be there, people will try to butcher you down and they will be relentless yet if you know where you stand, you don't have to bother.

the thoughts of 3AM

now more than ever, I am fearing for my life.... here I thought that after COVID made its mark, I will be fine and will certainly go back to...