
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

it’s been long overdue.
It’s been repeated gazillion ambages.
It’s been re-iterated a million times over.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: An Easy Household Guide (The Chelsea Green Guides)

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.


Yet a very hard deed to comply. Specially Filipinos, read: a race of vast culture, mixed ideologies and differences, I know I am, I AM A FILIPINO, in words and in deed and am not here to beat up and degrade my existence, I am a proud member of my herrenvolk if I may say so, am just stating a blunt fact. Hard to consider but that’s what it is. Why is it always we make it a point to clutter? The world has already seen the havoc that a detritus can muster. Are we still not tired of trashing the planet? This is not a patois. Blah. blah. blah. blah. I know, irritating right? But when are we going to start? I do believe, it’s now or never. EVER. It’s like preaching and no one is listening. Do we still need another cataclysm to trigger the need for us to start NOW? I don’t think so, most of us already suffered, lost and some even died. Sad to say but we never really cared. I do and hope you will too.


Do we have these? It ain’t for sale that I can assure you. It’s within you, and should emanate from your core. This is all we need. It may not be a glorious thing to do yet with your own small way, bit by bit, giving it a try, won’t a small deed of discipline done by you and one from your friend or a loved one makes two, a micro-deed today and who knows tomorrow it would be macro-deed already. Just start. From you, no one will ever do it for you. I wonder whatever happened to us, we were never like this before, we are not savages, we’ve been brought up by our forefathers to create a place to live, peaceful and free yet as we prosper, we get so busy with what we have and we don’t even care to look back and ponder over the important things we need. 
Practical usage: You know what is good and bad, you know what will harm and what will help, be an angel. Devils not only wear Prada they also have tusks and beard, if you know what I mean. 

Start by reducing your consumption, it won’t kill your integral if you do but it will in the long run, particularly if your a bit of a high-maintenance-type-of-gal, still you’ll manage. I guess! In your unique way you can. Don’t ever think it’s wee small endeavor as they say an apple-a-day is seven apples-a-week. literally? Yes! Don’t need arithmetic to sum it all up, right? Kidding aside, if you know you are doing the right stuff, don’t mind others, they can sulk and lull you around, still the very most essential part of it is you did what is right. No more, no less. Relatively it might start from you and perturb others to do the same. Being an influence is the most rewarding experience that you can achieve in your lifetime. 
Practical usage: If you’re a writer like me, try using the side B of the paper that you’re currently jotting. Saves paper, trees as well as money. And girls, please, use only a tantamount worth for your usage, the machinery and labor used on that tissue on your hand spent millions of pesos just to provide you a roll of it.


Creating your own, setting your mind and making it your ain. Isn’t it a beauty? From a scratch to a work of art, is already an expression of who you are and what views you have in life. It might be plain cardboard at first but if you pour yourself into it, guess you’ll never know who would be touched after it becomes a 
Christmas card, am an old yoke, c’mon, give me a break. E-cards nowadays are so grabful so spare me the details. 
Practical usage: See the cardboard? Just purchase some bling-blings and decorative materials, paste it on, use your imagination and integrate something out of your head. You can even add shredding of your toenails. Eeww! Gross! but at least it’s personalized, it’s YOU. LOL!

Recycle everything that your hands can meddle, it may be big or small, doesn’t matter. Just please start now.
Practical usage: Plastic bags that you’ve used for shopping? Fold them neatly when you get home, stack them and use them on the next purchase, supermarkets nowadays promotes GREEN living by providing paper bags and cloth-like materials that you can use over and over again. Less expensive and a sturdy way of shopping not worrying that your bundles would roll away if it gets torned. For plain Jane like me, that enjoys haggling in Divisoria and Tutuban? Don’t ask for plastic bags, they are just gonna end up in sewers and in time may block the flow, so please, kindly and for the effin’ love of earth, bring a tote or even a beach bag on your next shopping spree.
New Eco Friendly Reduce Reuse Recycle NFL San Diego Chargers Tote Bag
So the next time you buy your stuff, think GREEN and go for it! Be a Gaia for once!

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